Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Horoscopes - are they worth your time?

Can we trust horoscopes? Are they reliable? Is there any truth in them?
These are questions that people have asked themselves for hundreds of years.
Personally, I do think that there’s some truth in them.

I have a really good app on my phone called DailyHoroscope (go figure) and I use it almost daily. I also follow a few horoscope accounts on Twitter. Some people would think I’m crazy for reading horoscopes, but hear me out.

I definitely don’t think people can be grouped into 12 types – there’s way too many of us for that. However, I think that maybe there is a general pattern between the people of a certain Zodiac sign. I don’t know how astrologists can get accurate predictions from the general time of the year that a person was born – it’s hard for me to wrap my head around it. I guess there has to be some fact in the general area of expertise though. I mean, astrology has been around for thousands of years!

I don’t believe the hype that horoscopes are always 100% correct or accurate. I think that they mostly depend on our subconscious – what our mind makes of the prediction we read and how it subconsciously makes it happen. Some people believe everything they read and take it literally. I don’t think this is the way to go. I also think the reliability of a horoscope depends on the source. If you’re reading a short, general horoscope in a magazine or a TV guide, you probably shouldn’t believe it.

There’s also lots of different types of horoscopes. Apart from the regular Zodiac, my personal favourite is the Druid horoscope. This kind of horoscope doesn’t make predictions for the future, but rather tells you more about the kind of person you are (or might be) throughout your life, based on your precise date of birth, as opposed to a wide range of dates. I think this kind of horoscope is very interesting, because as a human, I am constantly searching for “the real me” and who I really am. So knowing the general characteristics of my Druid sign helps me understand myself and people around me a little bit better (because I believe it, of course). I think this kind of horoscope is more reliable as it doesn’t work on your subconscious. It also originated thousands of years ago, yet I still relate to it. You can find out your Druid sign and horoscope on the app I mentioned earlier, DailyHoroscope.

I think horoscopes are very good for coming to the realisation of what could happen, what could be waiting for you. I feel that we don’t open our eyes enough to the world around us, and the opportunities that are available to us. We don’t see many things, and sometimes, when a horoscope gets it right, it can really help us out. Maybe if you read a horoscope, you will keep an eye out for opportunities.

The horoscope apps are very convenient, because you can check them every day on your phone. They are quite short, and take only a few seconds to read. I would recommend the DailyHoroscope app, as it has many additional features such as the Druid horoscope, the Chinese horoscope and Zodiac sign compatibility. They are also quite general, so they don’t just apply to a certain person. They don’t tell you what to do, instead it helps you realise what kind of person you are. Horoscopes can also be motivational or inspirational.

Overall, I think that horoscopes are worth reading, as long as they come from a reliable source and you don’t get too caught up in it. Of course, there are always people who don’t believe in that kind of thing, and that’s okay. For a lot of us, though, I think horoscopes are worth thinking about, even if it is just to keep your eyes open for opportunities and to help you realise what kind of person you are. 

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