Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Horoscopes - are they worth your time?

Can we trust horoscopes? Are they reliable? Is there any truth in them?
These are questions that people have asked themselves for hundreds of years.
Personally, I do think that there’s some truth in them.

I have a really good app on my phone called DailyHoroscope (go figure) and I use it almost daily. I also follow a few horoscope accounts on Twitter. Some people would think I’m crazy for reading horoscopes, but hear me out.

I definitely don’t think people can be grouped into 12 types – there’s way too many of us for that. However, I think that maybe there is a general pattern between the people of a certain Zodiac sign. I don’t know how astrologists can get accurate predictions from the general time of the year that a person was born – it’s hard for me to wrap my head around it. I guess there has to be some fact in the general area of expertise though. I mean, astrology has been around for thousands of years!

I don’t believe the hype that horoscopes are always 100% correct or accurate. I think that they mostly depend on our subconscious – what our mind makes of the prediction we read and how it subconsciously makes it happen. Some people believe everything they read and take it literally. I don’t think this is the way to go. I also think the reliability of a horoscope depends on the source. If you’re reading a short, general horoscope in a magazine or a TV guide, you probably shouldn’t believe it.