Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Are you giving up something? Or maybe taking something on?

Okay, so for us Christians, it's the time of Lent. At this time, a lot of us decide to give up something they like for the time between Ash Wednesday until Easter. Mostly it's about a new start, so it's actually suitable for everyone, regardless of their faith.

Today in school we had a Mass and we got ashes on our foreheads. The priest also said a lot of inspiring things during which a lot of us had a little snooze or a daydream, looking out the stained-glass windows.. The times when I actually listened, I heard that this is a time of prayer and penance. Um, yeah, but what has that got to do with my blog, right?

Well, I decided to give up something I really like - chocolate. Come on, who doesn't like chocolate? I know already that it's gonna be really hard for me, but by putting it out here I'm making it official, and it might help me remember. I don't know if it'll make me a better person, but at least I'll be healthier.

If you want to change something in your life, remember that it is never too late. You can start any time, not just Lent. Even if you're not a Christian, you can choose to change. After all, only you have the power to do it.
I decided to come up with a list of suggestions that a lot of you might find useful:

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Why I feel sorry for Niall Horan

Let me get this straight - I'm not a HUGE One Direction fan. I mean, they have a few good songs, and they're all good-looking, but I'm not obsessed with them.

Don't get me wrong - I am NOT a hater. Read the last paragraph of this post to know why.

However, I have a lot of friends who live and breathe One Direction. So there isn't a day when I don't hear anything like "Oh my gosh, it's Harry Styles' birthday today!!" or "Look at this picture of Liam!!". One thing I've noticed is that nobody really notices Niall. And when you point this out, they get mad and shout "Everybody LOVES Niall!!" So this is an important issue I want to deal with today.

First of all, why should I feel sorry for Niall Horan? He's in one of the most popular boybands in the world, he has thousands of girls screaming for him, he's rolling in money, and he's travelling all over the world on tour as we speak. You'd think he has everything, right?

Well, here are some things I've noticed about Niall Horan.