Wednesday, 21 November 2012

The reasons behind fangirling

Why are girls in love with celebrities? Especially of the male variety. Some examples: Justin Bieber, One Direction, Josh Hutcherson, Zac Efron...the list goes on forever.

A guy friend of mine asked me a while back why I liked Justin Bieber so much. For a little while I was completely thrown. If a girl had asked me the same question, I'd probably say something along the lines of "because he's perfect" or "he's my whole world;" however, this was a boy I respected and cared about so I didn't want to look like a total fangirl. So instead of saying the first thing that popped into my head, I started to think. Well, there's the voice, the hair, his looks, the personality I see every day through the media. But could there be something more, something I wasn't immediately aware of, but it was still there in my subconscious? Why are people, and girls in particular, so attracted to famous people? In a girl's case, why is she so attracted to famous boys and men, but she complains about the real boy in her life all the time? Famous boys aren't perfect, right? And yet we still fall for them. I decided to investigate further. Here are the reasons I came up with:

  • First of all, celebrities seem better than everyone around us because they're famous and they seem to have it all: good looks, money, the personality... They're not real people in our eyes, but idols, perfect people.
  • We see them everywhere, all the time. Because of this we think they are with us everywhere we go, no matter what happens. If you're having a bad day, listening to your favourite artist's song can really brighten your mood.We think they will never fail us and that they are always there when we need them (unlike some of the boys we really know).
  • We forgive their imperfections and faults more easily because they don't directly affect us. For example, Harry Styles from One Direction is well known for being a womanizer and a heart breaker  However, most of his fans just think it's cute. If they met a player in real life though, they wouldn't like him so much, would they? They still might be attracted to a bad boy, but they wouldn't forgive him if he broke their heart.
The ladies man
  • We communicate with other fangirls who always put that particular person in a good light. Whether you're reading fanfictions or simply scrolling through your Twitter newsfeed, other girls are always gushing about how perfect that person is, and expressing their love for them. It's difficult to resist joining them in their excitement.
  • We always see them at their best - when they're well dressed and groomed, when their hair is perfect and they're in a good mood. What about the bad days? Everyone has them, right? When we feel moody and snap at everyone, when we're depressed, sick or tired. We don't really see our idols like that. Because of this, we can't fairly compare them to the real boys we know.
  • They always say the right thing. Celebrities say what is best for their target audience. Therefore, our idols usually say what we women want to hear. For example, the song Little Things by One Direction. Most of the girls I know, even the ones who don't like One Direction, swooned over the lyrics of that song. This could be because of Ed Sheeran's songwriting skills, of course. It is relatable. We like to hear these things. Another example is Justin Bieber's song, Boyfriend. Every girl wants a boyfriend who will never let her go. The song makes us feel like we deserve love, and when we go back to reality, we realise that all the boys around us aren't like Justin Bieber, and they probably will let us go..

"If I was your boyfriend I'd never let you go" - Justin Bieber

Friday, 9 November 2012

All Saints Day in Poland

I was in Poland this midterm break, and I went to the cemetery to celebrate All Saints Day on the 1st of November. It is a day devoted to the dead - relatives and friends who have passed away. I think it's much more special than Halloween. While I was there I had these feelings and experiences that I just had to write down and share. So here we go.

You've never seen something as beautiful, and yet so sad, as a cemetery in Poland on All Saints Day. It's a very sad occasion, with everyone mourning their loved ones. The people take a break from their busy everyday lives to devote this day to the ones who passed away. It's really interesting to see the people's faces in the graveyard. Older people remembering their friends and family, perhaps thinking about their own death. Are they afraid? Some of them tell stories from their past, remembering the people who are buried underneath them. 

I watch some families laughing at funny anecdotes, others hanging their heads in silent prayer. For some families, this day is the only chance to catch up. I watch people, young and old, hugging, laughing, chatting. I see little children praying, holding hands with their parents. They don't understand what is going on, but they realise that they have to behave and be serious on a day like this.

The cemetery itself is beautiful. The amount of flowers in here is shocking. They come in all sizes and colours. There are wreaths and potted plants. There are huge quantities of lights, the flames inside the coloured glass flickering. It's pretty and serene in the daylight, but it's truly beautiful in the night-time. There is a red hue all around the cemetery, like you would see around a huge bonfire, except a thousand times bigger. There are no streetlamps needed, because the reddish-yellow light is everywhere, and it's very bright. It's like you're walking through glowing colours. There is a unique scent in the air, of flowers, matches, and burning candles. Also, during the month of October leaves are burned, especially coming up to November. The smell of burning leaves is almost traditional. I've always loved that smell, it reminds me of warmth and mystery and fires. It's a pleasant smell.

People lighting lights at the front of the cemetery

Thursday, 25 October 2012

How to cope with a huge homework load

There are those amazing days when teachers are lazy and forget to set homework, or it's coming up to a holiday and nobody seems to give homework. Those days are a luxury, and they don't happen often, especially during exam year. Use them well.

Picture this now: you get ridiculous amounts of homework for every class. As if that wasn't enough, you have other things due tomorrow that you were supposed to do yesterday but you just weren't bothered... You also have a class test to study for. And you just don't know where to start and you feel like you don't have time for all this. Sound familiar?
Yep, it happens all the time.

I have a system for doing homework quickly that I want to share with you. I've used this for ages and it works really well for me. People are always asking me how I got all my homework done so fast, or how come I have so much time to go on Facebook etc. Well, I follow this plan:

1. Write down a list of everything you have to do and when it is due. It doesn't have to be in a particular order, as long as you make sure to write everything. This takes about 1 minute, and it's really helpful because this way you can see what you have to do and when. It will also help you with the next step.

2. Sort your list into subjects and write down a small list of just the subjects.

3. Number the subjects in the order you will do them. I recommend this order: 

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Amanda Todd: How cyberbullying led to suicide

Lots of you might have heard Amanda Todd's heartbreaking story. She was bullied to the point where she couldn't take it anymore and took her own life. The problem of cyberbullying is getting worse, and it has to stop. You have no idea how much something you say can affect someone. This is just one in hundreds of teen suicide stories, but as it is so publicised, I decided to do a bit of a case study on her.

15 year old Amanda Todd was bullied and committed suicide.
Amanda was just 15 years old when she took her life on the 10th of October 2012. She lived in British Columbia, Canada. I'll just explain her story very quickly.

  • When she was 13 she went on chat rooms with her friends to meet new people. She was approached by a stranger, who complimented her. He called her "stunning" and "perfect". He asked her to flash, and she was flattered, so she did.
  • A year later, the man messaged her on Facebook. He wanted her to put on a show for him or he would send a picture of her boobs out to everyone. He had her name, address, school, relatives, friends...
  • A few weeks went by, and one night the police came to her house at 4 a.m. A picture of her breasts was sent to everybody.
  • She got sick and depressed and anxious. She couldn't face the bullies at school so she moved schools. She started drinking and taking drugs. The man found her again and posted the picture up again. He made a Facebook page with her boobs as the profile picture.
  • Amanda got bullied in school. She had no friends, no one to talk to. Everyone judged her, called her names and worse. 
  • She started cutting. She moved schools again. Things were better, but she was still all alone.
  • She started texting an old guy friend. He led her on, made her believe that he liked her. He had a girlfriend. One day he told her to come over, so she did. They hooked up. A week later, his girlfriend and 15 others came to her school. The girlfriend beat Amanda up. People filmed it, but nobody tried to help her. She lied in a ditch, waited for her dad. When he brought her home, she wanted to die. She attempted suicide by drinking bleach. She was brought to the hospital and flushed, and by some miracle, she survived. 
  • When she came home, she saw that the bullies had written on her Facebook. Some said they hoped she was dead, others said she deserved it. Others recommended different brands of bleach. She moved cities. She overdosed. She had councellors and took anti-depressants.
  • Five weeks before her death, she put a video on YouTube, explaining her story. She doesn't show her face in the video, and there is no sound, but she confirmed her identity with the last notecard, which says her name. I'm posting it down below.
  • On 10th October 2012 Amanda's body was found in her house. She had hanged herself because she couldn't deal with the bullies anymore.

Amanda's story is really sad. It touched millions of people in the world. Facebook memorial sites for Amanda Todd have popped up all around the world and thousands of people have posted onto them. The Facebook Page R.I.P Amanda Todd has over a million likes at the moment.

The police is still looking for the man who harrassed Amanda online. The hacker group Anonymous have joined in too. They claim that they already found the people responsible. They sent the following message to the bully on YouTube:

Amanda was such a beautiful and talented girl. She did cheerleading and she could sing. She was very strong too. She tried to make a new start several times, but the bullies followed. Her death could have been avoided if only people realised what was happening earlier.

Amanda made a mistake, or a few. They ruined her life. She knew it, too. Five weeks before her death, she said, "I can never take that photo back. It's out there forever." But just because she made a mistake, it absolutely does not give anybody the right to bully her. Or anyone else. Amanda would still be here if she had the support of friends and peers. Nobody has the right to put a person down. Is it fair to judge someone on something they did years earlier?

However, Amanda's story is not the only one. There are thousands of teenagers in the world. Every day there are approximately 11 youth suicides. And that's not all. For every suicide, there are between 50 and 200 suicide attempts. Approximately 2.7 million students are bullied every year. Over half of surveyed teenagers have been bullied online. 1 in 3 teenagers say they have experienced cyberthreats online. With these shocking statistics, it is obvious that bullying and cyberbullying is a huge problem. 

"Bullying" seems like a very general term. It could range from a mild insult to life-threatening assault. What this man did to Amanda was not bullying. It was stalking and harrassment, via the Internet. Amanda was also depressed. She attempted suicide several times, she cut her wrists, she cried all the time, she took drugs and drank alcohol. She was reacting this way to the pain that comes with mental illness - physical, emotional and spiritual pain. She thought suicide was the only way out, she didn't realise there were other options. She tried to make a new start though, and she told her parents. However, in the end the pressure was too much for her. 

In Amanda's case, she's gone. It's too late to help her now. The million people who liked the memorial page on Facebook won't help her, and we can only hope that she is in a better place now, where she feels safe and where nobody can hurt her. However, there are other people who need help. Someone might need your help right now. Once a person's dead, it can't be undone. So if you see someone who is sad or depressed or alone, talk to them. Imagine if that was you. If the situation was reversed, how would you feel? Would you be grateful if a person talked to you, reached out, told you that everything was going to be okay? You really have no idea how much a little thing can make a big difference in someone's life. Don't make the person feel like a charity case though - they don't want your pity, they just want someone to be there for them.

Rest in Paradise, Amanda. <3
RIP to all teen suicides.
And to everybody who is contemplating suicide, just remember that there are other ways. Don't take your own life. You have so much to live for. Things can't get better if you give up.
To everybody who is being bullied, remember that there are people who love you and remember to stay strong. Don't let the haters own you. 

Please comment and share this story because it's so important for people to be aware of the consequences of bullying.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Justin Bieber's biggest prank yet!

Justin Bieber shocked everyone this week with the release of his video for his new single "Beauty and a Beat" featuring Nicki Minaj. He not only released what promises to be a "slayer on the charts" but also got back on all the rumours and gossip that have surrounded him since the beginning of his career.

"Since i was 14 i have had a lot of things said about me, from dying, to taking hormones, to dying again, to stuff about my family ...To saying i had a baby with a woman i never even met. nude pics, drugs, my family, my character," Bieber tweeted on Friday. "But i get to be in on it..." 

When the news that Justin Bieber's laptop and camera were stolen from his tour manager's office while he was performing surfaced on the 10th of October, a lot of his fans were shocked. Everyone questioned the security at the venue - Beliebers couldn't get in and some randomer found his way backstage somehow? Justin's fans all thought it was disrespectful. Justin tweeted the following:

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Back to School

Summer's over guys - we might as well face it. Yeah, it's sad, but let's move on, shall we?

Okay, so this is about the time when we go back to school. Back to books, teachers, studying, homework, I have to go on?

Here are a few ways to keep summer for just a little bit longer:

  • Keep in touch with the people you met on your holidays. I met so many great people this summer that I want to keep in my life. It's so easy these days, with social networks like Facebook and Twitter, Skype, and by phone of course. Just add them and don't forget to chat every once in a while to keep up. It'll always cheer you up to remember the good times you had together.
  • If you have pictures from the summer, of the people you met or the places you visited, then do something creative with them - display them in your room or put them in a scrapbook, whatever you want. There's nothing better than a summery picture to cheer you up in the winter, when you're cold.
  • Don't let the bad weather depress you ;D If it's raining, either find something fun to do inside, or go outside and dance in the rain..
  • Enjoy spending time with your friends in school. 

Sunday, 17 June 2012

My Favourite Book Series

The summer is here, and to be honest, it's kind of boring right now. So I decided to reread a lot of books. Then I made a list of my very favourite book series, in order of preference. Here it is:

1. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. This is obviously number one, even though it's one of the most recent ones I read. Most of you probably know the story, and you can read my movie review of The Hunger Games film here. I love everything about this trilogy - the characters, the setting, the fact that it's a probable future. I also like the violence - what kind of warped society is this, where we all enjoy watching violence so much? I love the main characters of Katniss, Peeta and Gale (although Gale kind of irks me). I love everything from Katniss' little sister Prim and her cat, Buttercup, right down to the fact that Peeta is a baker. Yep, I'm pretty obsessed. The trilogy is a must read for any teenager, regardless of age, gender or hobbies and interests. Check out the Hunger Games wiki here if you need more convincing.

2. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. I'm pretty sure Harry Potter is a classic by now. The series about the young wizard with the lightning scar on his forehead, in a magical school called Hogwarts, and his battle towards defeating Lord Voldemort is immensely popular. After all, who doesn't want a little bit of magic in their lives? Most people have seen the films, but honestly, I think you need to read the books to really get the full Harry Potter experience. Check out the dedicated wiki here, and if you're a Potterhead like me, log onto Pottermore, if you haven't already.

3. The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. Of course, there's a lot of teasing going on about this series - Edward sparkles, Bella is whiny and the whole story is messed up. Well, honestly I think that this is just a purely enjoyable series, really romantic and unreal. That's the point - it's fantasy. There's two dream guys fighting over one normal girl, there's vampires and werewolves, there's a marriage and a baby and action and happy times and sad times - it's a perfect pleasure read. Girls, I dare you to read this and not fall in love with either Edward or Jacob (I'm totally Team Edward by the way). Check out the wiki here, and also have a look at the author's website, with exclusive content. If Twilight isn't your thing, watch Vampires Suck. It's truly hilarious.

4.The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot. The story of Mia, HRH Princess of Genovia, is actually nothing like the movies based on it. These books are impossibly funny, dramatic and relatable (well, except for the whole princess thing). Mia is just a normal 14-year-old girl in high school when she finds out that she is the heir to the throne of a small European principality. After that, she has to deal with her annoying and scheming grandmother (yep, she's not nice like in the movie), her genius best friend, Lilly, and of course, boys. Especially one Michael Moscovitz, whom I would marry if he wasn't in fact a fictional character. There are 10 books in the series, and they're really easy to read fast. I recommend them to all teenage girls. If you haven't read them, then go and read them. Now.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

The Hunger Games Movie Review

The Hunger Games has been getting a lot of publicity lately - both the books and the movie that came out recently (well, fairly recently, anyway). For English class a few weeks ago, we had to write a review on our favourite movie. I guess it's good enough, as I got an A for it. Sorry about the delay - I had a week of exams. Anyway, enjoy!

The Hunger Games is a film set in post-apocalyptic America. Its main characters, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark, have been chosen to fight in a televised game, and to fight to the death until a lone victor remains. The film was directed by Gary Ross, and is based on the bestselling novel by Suzanne Collins. It was produced by Lionsgate. Packed full of action and intense scenes, this movie is suitable for all audiences. It has been rated 12A.

Katniss Everdeen, the protagonist, lives in District 12 with her mother and sister, Prim. Every year, the Capitol hosts the Hunger Games - a televised game in which two teenagers from each of the 12 districts are reaped to fight to the death for entertainment. When 12-year-old Prim is reaped, Katniss immediately volunteers to take her place. Katniss and Peeta are forced to leave District 12 and go to the Capitol, where they train and prepare for the Games. A few short weeks later, they find themselves in the arena, where they will meet their fate.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

How To Get Fit Before Summer

Summer is only a month or two away, and most of us want to look good. We want to wear shorts and bikinis and summer dresses, and it really wouldn't hurt to look good while doing it. Losing weight, toning and burning fat never came easy. Fad diets are definitely not an option - you mostly lose water weight and not fat while torturing yourself. So instead of trying out a "lose-10-pounds-in-a-week" diet, start following some of these tips:

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Kony 2012

If you haven't been living under a rock for the past week, chances are you probably heard of Kony and the campaign to stop him. Here are some basic facts you need to know about Kony and the Invisible Children charity:
  • Joseph Kony is the leader of a rebel group in Uganda called the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA).
  • The LRA kidnaps children from their homes. They make the boys into child soldiers and the girls into sex slaves.
  • There is a new charity called the Invisible Children that aims to raise awareness about Kony. They made a video (see below) about Kony's actions and their effects on the people of Uganda, and how to get involved in the charity (which obviously requires donations)
Here is the half-hour video on Kony by Invisible Children:

Okay, so you watch the video. You see the high-tech editing, the high definition images, and you think, "Wow, this is amazing." Then you see the little blond guy, and Jacob crying, and you think, "Aww that is so sweet!" and you feel really bad for a while. Then they show you the ways you can get involved, and how YOU can help to stop Kony. It makes you feel special, like anything is possible, and you immediately want to get involved. You go onto the Invisible Children website, you make a purchase. Simple. And then you start thinking, "Wait, is this charity actually legit? Will the money I paid go directly towards stopping Kony?"

And that's when you realize that you mightn't have been thinking straight. They have captured you with their marketing skills. You remember the start of the Kony 2012 video. Jason said it himself, right? "The next 27 minutes are an experiment." What kind of brainwash is that?

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Are you giving up something? Or maybe taking something on?

Okay, so for us Christians, it's the time of Lent. At this time, a lot of us decide to give up something they like for the time between Ash Wednesday until Easter. Mostly it's about a new start, so it's actually suitable for everyone, regardless of their faith.

Today in school we had a Mass and we got ashes on our foreheads. The priest also said a lot of inspiring things during which a lot of us had a little snooze or a daydream, looking out the stained-glass windows.. The times when I actually listened, I heard that this is a time of prayer and penance. Um, yeah, but what has that got to do with my blog, right?

Well, I decided to give up something I really like - chocolate. Come on, who doesn't like chocolate? I know already that it's gonna be really hard for me, but by putting it out here I'm making it official, and it might help me remember. I don't know if it'll make me a better person, but at least I'll be healthier.

If you want to change something in your life, remember that it is never too late. You can start any time, not just Lent. Even if you're not a Christian, you can choose to change. After all, only you have the power to do it.
I decided to come up with a list of suggestions that a lot of you might find useful:

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Why I feel sorry for Niall Horan

Let me get this straight - I'm not a HUGE One Direction fan. I mean, they have a few good songs, and they're all good-looking, but I'm not obsessed with them.

Don't get me wrong - I am NOT a hater. Read the last paragraph of this post to know why.

However, I have a lot of friends who live and breathe One Direction. So there isn't a day when I don't hear anything like "Oh my gosh, it's Harry Styles' birthday today!!" or "Look at this picture of Liam!!". One thing I've noticed is that nobody really notices Niall. And when you point this out, they get mad and shout "Everybody LOVES Niall!!" So this is an important issue I want to deal with today.

First of all, why should I feel sorry for Niall Horan? He's in one of the most popular boybands in the world, he has thousands of girls screaming for him, he's rolling in money, and he's travelling all over the world on tour as we speak. You'd think he has everything, right?

Well, here are some things I've noticed about Niall Horan.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Funny X Factor Auditions

Most of us know about that overrated TV show that finds "real talent" and over the years has created pop stars such as Leona Lewis, Alexandra Burke, JLS, One Direction, Jedward, Cher Lloyd and others. Yeah, that one. It keeps getting worse over the years, doesn't it?

But have you ever seen the people who, unfortunately, didn't make it to the whole 'pop star' thing and ended up as a laughing stock? They show a few of them sometimes, just for a laugh. I feel kind of sorry for them, because they had a hard with the judges, but I just love watching them so much. So today I decided to put all my research to good use and show you all. I hope you laugh as much as I did. One last thing - just watch the judges' expressions..

So without further ado, here is a list of my 10 favourite funny X Factor auditions.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

How to Make an Inspiration Board

I feel like I haven't posted in weeks. While this is not necessarily true, I really haven't posted for a while. I do have some ideas on future posts, but for now, here's some tips for making your very own inspiration board. Just in case you need a quick dose of inspiration, you know?

Inspiration boards, also known as vision boards or mood boards, are a really good way to motivate yourself to "follow your dreams."

Note: You can make an inspiration board using Photoshop, but I'm not going to do that, because I like that 'handmade' feel to my boards. If you want to use Photoshop, just Google it.

First of all, think about who you want to be, and what you want to achieve in the future. What is your dream job? Where do you want to live? What do you want to look like? Who is going to be around you - family? Friends? I guess it's all up to you!

Then you need some kind of board. This doesn't have to be expensive. In fact, you can probably get it for free. Here are some options: