Friday, 28 October 2011

Halloween Costume Ideas

Halloween is around the corner and lots of teens (including me) have no idea what to dress up as. Of course, there’s so little time that it’s tricky to make a costume for scratch, or even order one online, because it might not get there on time. So here are some ideas for easy dress up which will work for any party, disco or just going out trick-or-treating.

1.       Farm girl:
Wear a checked shirt under overalls, and wellies. Put your hair in pigtails and dot some freckles on your cheeks with brown eyeliner, and use bronzer to get that southern tan. Maybe you can find a stuffed animal (like a chicken or a cow) to carry. Wear a straw hat for maximum effect.

2.       Black cat girl:
Wear black leggings, and a black top/leotard OR a black dress. Wear black boots, cat ears, black gloves, and don’t forget a tail! Draw whiskers with eyeliner, and make up your eyes.

3.       Pirate girl:
Wear a big white or cream shirt, and make it puffy by pushing the sleeves up and tightening the cuff. Add a leather belt at the waist. Wear leather or fabric pants (harem pants and leggings are good too), and boots. Find a pirate hat, or just tie a bandana around your head, and wear some gold jewellery – a bracelet or simple pendant will do. Use bronzer or fake tan.

4.       Nerd girl:
Wear a sweater vest over a collared shirt, and a pleated skirt or trousers, and sensible shoes with long socks. Don’t forget your nerd glasses (stick tape around the middle to make them even more nerdy). Wear your hair in two high ponytails. You can try making fake braces (see tutorial video below).

5.       Vampire:
Disclaimer: This is the classic vampire, not the Twilight kind.
Wear black lace, maybe a dress, with a hint of red somewhere. A cape is perfect. Take time doing your makeup, this will stand out the most. Fake fangs look fun, but can be uncomfortable. Fake blood is an option too.

6.       Artist:
This is one for less brave people. Wear a stripy blouse and waistcoat, and jeans. Wear an art apron over it, with paint splatters all over it. Don’t forget your beret! Carry around a palette and a sketchpad.

7.       Anime schoolgirl:
This focuses more on the makeup, especially the eye makeup. Check out the tutorial videos below. Wear a plain white shirt with a tie and a pleated skirt. Weirdly enough, anime/manga girls tend to wear heels with that outfit, but if you don’t want to, wear flat black or brown shoes.

8.       A cowgirl:
Plain or checked shirt, waistcoat, high waisted (or just worn) jeans, belt with big buckle, bandana, cowboy boots. A cowboy hat is a must. Lasso optional.

If you don’t really feel like dressing up but don’t want to stand out, you can go for the old pyjamas-and-uggs look. It even goes with bed hair, so you can save a lot of time, but definitely avoid morning breath!

That’s it for now. Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

What is a blog and how to start one

This is my first blog post. It’s really hard to decide what your first blog post should be about, so I decided mine will be on blogging.

For complete beginners, here are some Frequently Asked Questions about blogs:

Q. What is a blog?
A. A blog stands for ‘web-log’. It is basically a website with posts displayed in reverse-chronological order.
It became popular because it is a free creative outlet for budding writers, journalists etc. Click here to see 10 reasons why you should start a blog. Take this quiz to see if you should start a blog.

Here is a video that explains what blogs are (in plain English).

Q. Why blog?
A. For many reasons. You may want to share your ideas with the world, keep people up to date about something, to share your amazing knowledge with mere mortals, or just write your heart out. Whichever it is, it is a fun hobby, and probably more attractive than, uh, scrapbooking.

Q. How do I decide what I want to blog about?
A. It’s probably best to blog about something that you enjoy doing, or have experience in. Click here to see 5 tips for choosing a blog topic.

Q. How often should I blog?
A. It is probably best to blog regularly. Maybe you have enough free time to blog every day, or maybe you can only blog on weekends...or once a month.

A lot of you out there might want to start your own blogs, but don’t know how to get started, and then how to follow on from that. So here’s some help for you guys.

1.       Decide what you want to blog about.
There’s no point creating a blog if you have no idea what to write about. That is a waste of space and blog names.
There are lots and lots of blogs, so you need to attract people by writing about something you are passionate about, and that other people will want to read as well.

2.       Decide if you are going to pay for hosting.
If you’re just starting out, it’s probably best to go for a free blogging service until you get used to it. And anyway, you might change your mind about blogging, and you’ll still have to pay for it.
Free blogging services include Blogger and Wordpress. Find out more about them by clicking here. It is a comparison of the two platforms, showing all their good and bad sides.

3.       Think of a good name for your blog.
This can be tricky, because there are hundreds of millions of blogs out there, but you can use websites such as NameCheck and NameChk to see if the name you chose is available.

4.       Make the blog.
Go on the website of the blogging platform you chose in step 2, and just follow the steps. This is probably the easiest part of all. Watch these tutorial videos, they will really help.



5.       Just blog!
Once your blog is online, you can customise it, add themes and widgets/gadgets etc. Read the ‘Help’ menu when you’re starting out. Afterwards, it will be easy.
Don’t give up! You can’t expect to be the next Perez Hilton on your first day as a blogger. Blogging is hard work. When writing posts, make sure they are accurate. Research the topic you’re writing about, check it, write it, do a spell check, reread it, then publish it when you’re sure it’s right. Add lots of pictures, videos and interesting links to hold the reader’s attention.
And most importantly, have fun writing it.

Finally, here is a video where 3 bloggers share their blog tips. Enjoy!